Each year we offer select tournaments a unique, and free, sponsorship opportunity. 

In exchange for being listed in your flyer and advertisements, we will provide you our premium Splathead branded, silkscreened cotton t-shirt, free for each of your participants.

Perhaps you've seen them? Many tournaments have used us, including the USAR National Singles Championships, WOR Outdoor National Championships, Beach Bash Tournament, 3 Wallball World Championships, Chicago's 3 Wall Brawl, Central Park New York Championships, and of course, The Belle Isle Racquetball Championships, a tournament we founded over 35 years ago and where the Centurion doubles division was born in 1987.

Here's how it works:

 After we approve your application for sponsorship, we will create and deliver the agreed number of t-shirts. They will have Splathead designed artwork on the front, and your tournament logo/info on the back. The shirts will be delivered to you 1 week prior to your event.

You agree to

1. Place the Splathead.com logo (to be supplied by Splathead) on all entry forms, flyers (and any other printed materials you produce to advertise the event), web sites (with a link to Splathead’s web site), online tournament sign-up sites, and the tournament “finals” courts (with removable vinyl signage, if permitted by the site). Copies of all such materials must be sent to Splathead prior to the shipping of the shirts.
2. Utilize all supplied shirts for this tournament only (each tournament in a multi-tournament series must have a separate Sponsorship Agreement). Tournament must make every reasonable effort to distribute the entire supply of shirts. Under no circumstances is the Tournament to order more shirts than will be needed.(See How do I know how many shirts to order?)
3. Not apply any other decoration (silkscreen, embroidery, or any other type of decoration) to the shirts. This includes other sponsors' logos.
4. Not give away any other free shirt at the tournament. The Splathead t-shirt will be the official tournament shirt giveaway.
5. Allow Splathead to advertise on Splathead’s web site, social media, or any other promotional materials, its sponsorship of the Tournament’s event. Included in this permission is the use of any logos, pictures or drawings of the tournament and the tournament decorated tee shirt. Splathead may also place a link on their web site to the Tournament’s site.         

Interested? Apply early. Opportunities under this program are limited based on sales in our online store (see About Us). Sponsorship slots  'sell out'  quickly. If you've already printed flyers or started advertising your tournament, it's too late to apply for sponsorship with us.

Important Note: Due to the popularity of this offer, there is a limit of 1 tournament per tournament director per year. So make sure you apply for your largest tournament.


As of 2025 we are no longer accepting new tournament sponsorship requests.

Existing sponsorships will continue until 12/31/25.