The player's uniform package is provided free of charge for those players attending the 2024 Junior Worlds in Guatemala. The package consists of 6 t-shirts, 4 shorts, 1 warmup top and 1 warmup bottom.

You can mix & match sizes. For example a player may wear a different size bottom than top.

Some females expressed a desire to have the option of purchasing uniform tank tops and skort bottoms. You can do so below along with any other additional uniform pieces you wish to purchase. Any additional pieces you purchase will be in addition to the 6 t-shirts and 4 shorts you will receive as part of the uniform package.

Your deadline to order is September 25th.

We anticipate the shipping of your packages to start November 1st. Everyone should have their package in hand by November 10th.

Family & fans can purchase fan gear here: Team USA Fan Gear. Except for the warmup, fan gear will be available for sale until the tournament. The deadline to order warmups is September 25th.

Order Details: